2020 20th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology | 2020年第20届IEEE通信技术国际会议 (ICCT 2020)在南宁成功召开
October 28-31, 2020 at Nanning, China |

2020年第20IEEE通信技术国际会议 (ICCT 2020)2020102831号在中国南宁中心永恒皇冠假日酒店举行。本次会议由我校联合IEEE及北京邮电大学主办 , 我校计算机与电子信息学院承办, 并得到电子科技大学,通信网信息传输与分发技术重点实验室,重庆大学, 西安电子科技大学,重庆邮电大学, 西南交通大学, 中国电子学会通信分会协办,四川大学, 四川省电子学会,重庆市电子学会,Digital Communications and Networks等单位鼎力支持。

通信技术国际会议由中国通信学会与中国电子学会于1986年联合发起,会议内容涉及通信技术领域的各个方面,是我国通信技术方面最高水平的学术活动之一,同时也是一次信息和通信技术研究的国际盛会。今年由于疫情原因,会议首次采用线上云参会及线下现场相结合的方式,为给予参会者全方位、高质量体验。会议在使用ZOOM在线会议软件的同时,也开通了Bilibili在线直播平台,为广大从事通信技术的新理论及其应用教学的科研人员提供一个交流学习的平台。有近170名专家学者出席了本次现场会议,另有180多名专家学者在线出席了线上会议,开幕式及上午报告环节同步直播,在线吸引近8千人次的点击收看。本次大会共邀请到8位本领域的知名IEEE Fellow专家做主旨报告,17场特邀报告,并共计安排35场分会报告。

接下来,来自电子科技大学冷甦鹏教授作为程序委员会主席,详细地向与会人员介绍了本次ICCT 2020的情况,


本次大会共邀请到8位本领域的知名专家作大会主旨报告,来自电子科技大学的梁应敞教授(IEEE Fellow)以及北京邮电大学的马华东教授在会议现场分享了学术成果,来自澳大利亚悉尼大学的Abbas Jamalipour教授(IEEE Fellow, IEICE Fellow, IEA Fellow), 意大利博洛尼亚大学的Marco Chiani教授(IEEE Fellow),加拿大多伦多大学的李葆春教授(IEEE Fellow),清华大学的牛志升教授(IEEE Fellow),东南大学的王承祥教授(MAE, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow)新泽西理工学院的Nirwan Ansari 教授(IEEE & NAI Fellow)在线进行了分享交流。

Abbas Jamalipour教授
Marco Chiani教授
Nirwan Ansari

ICCT2020共计收到578篇来自世界各地的投稿论文,会议采用同行评审的审稿方式,严格把控文章质量,经专家评审后,大会最终遴选出312篇论文,并由IEEE出版会议论文集,所有文章将被EI核心检索。同时,本次大会经过层层挑选,从312篇文章中最终挑选出4篇最优文章(Best Paper)

本次会议论文主题围绕计算机网络和信息安全 ,通信协议和算法,信号检测与识别,信号分析和处理,认知无线电技术及其应用,无线传感器网络及应用,信道估计和信道编码等主题进行了热烈的讨论。大会面向基础与前沿、学科与产业,探究学术界和产业界面临的机遇与挑战,为青年学者与老一辈科学家之间提供交流的平台,促进国内外高校之间的互相沟通,旨在共同探讨通信技术及相关研究领域各方向的学术动态及发展趋势,就目前的热点问题展开研讨,共享研究成果,推动相关研究与应用的发展与进步,推进学科的发展和促进人才培养。 据悉,ICCT 2021年将由IEEE和天津大学联合主办,让我们一起期待明年的会议越办越好! 本次会议论文主题围绕计算机网络和信息安全 ,通信协议和算法,信号检测与识别,信号分析和处理,认知无线电技术及其应用,无线传感器网络及应用,信道估计和信道编码等主题进行了热烈的讨论。大会面向基础与前沿、学科与产业,探究学术界和产业界面临的机遇与挑战,为青年学者与老一辈科学家之间提供交流的平台,促进国内外高校之间的互相沟通,旨在共同探讨通信技术及相关研究领域各方向的学术动态及发展趋势,就目前的热点问题展开研讨,共享研究成果,推动相关研究与应用的发展与进步,推进学科的发展和促进人才培养。

据悉,ICCT 2021年将由IEEE和天津大学联合主办,让我们一起期待明年的会议越办越好!



Best Paper


Nirwan Ansari


Best Papers Winners of IEEE ICCT 2020

Composition Modulation
Ferhat Yarkin, Justin P. Coon

Inferring Coflow Size based on Broad Learning System in Data Center Network
Jin Ye, Liangdi Ma, Chengjie Pang, Qingyu Xiao, Wenchao Jiang

QoS-Oriented Adaptive User Association for NOMA in Visible Light Communications
Qian Li, Tao Shang, Tang Tang, Fen Zhou

Deep Learning Based Sensing Resource Allocation for Mobile Target Tracking
Longyu Zhou, Qiang Liu, Fan Wu, and Yunkai Wei


Invited Speakers

Prof. Li Guo
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
Prof. Hanhua Chen 
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Prof. Perry Shum
OSA Fellow, SPIE Fellow
School of EEE Southern Univ of Science and Technology (SUSTech), China
Prof. Feng Gang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
冯钢, 教授, 电子科技大学
Prof. Supeng Leng 
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
冷甦鹏, 教授, 电子科技大学
Dr. Jianhua He
Reader, University of Essex, UK
Prof. Zuqing Zhu
University of Science and Technology of China, China
Prof. Yongli Zhao
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Prof. Defu Jiang
Hohai University,China
蒋德富, 教授, 河海大学
Prof. Fu Chen
Central University of Finance and Economics, China
Assoc. Prof. Yanan Zhang 
Northeastern University, China
Dr. Jie Tian
China Academey of Engineering Physics, China
田杰, 中国工程物理研究院
Can Wan
Zhejiang University, China
Dr. Di Zhang 
Zhengzhou University, China
Dr. Dandan Li
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
Dr. Kun Xie
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Dr. Dongdong Zhang
Guangxi University, China


Congratulations! Excellent Paper Presentation Winners

G-SID:SRv6 Header Compression Solution
Presenter: Weiqiang Cheng, Research Institute of ChinaMobile Communications Co., Ltd, China
and Tingting Han, Research Institute of ChinaMobile Communications Co., Ltd, China

A Wireless Communication Receiving Method Based on Blind Source Separation with Adaptive Mode Switching
Presenter: Cheng Li, The Sixty-third Research Institute National University of Defense Technology, China

Inferring Coflow Size based on Broad Learning System in Data Center Network
Presenter: Liangdi Ma, Guangxi University, China

An Efficient Blind Doppler Shift Estimation and Compensation Method for LEO Satellite Communications
Presenter: Mengguan Pan, Purple Mountain Laboratories, Nanjing, China

An ultra-compact broadband filter with controllable bandwidth using the quad-mode resonator
Presenter: Junjie Zhang, PLA Strategic Support Information Engineering University, China

Power allocation in mmWave Cell-free Masssive MIMO with User Mobility Using Deep Learning
Presenter: Yu Zhao, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands

High-speed PAM-4 Eye Diagram Analyzer Based on Simplified Linear Optical Sampling Technique
Presenter: Huan He, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

A Semi-blind Greedy Support Recovery Algorithm with Adjustable StopThreshold
Presenter: Yonggang Zhu, The 63rd Research Institute of National University of Defense Technology, China

Fiber-based diversity coherent receivers for satellite-to-ground downlink optical communications with MPSK and MQAM modulation techniques
Presenter: Kangning Li, China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology, China

Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Using Distributed MARL and Federated Learning
Presenter: Teng Liang, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China

Threshold Forwarding Protocol of Cooperative LEO Satellites Communication System
Presenter: Dai Jia, The 54th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, China

A Deep Learning-Aided Post-Processing Scheme to Lower the Error Floor of LDPC Codes
Presenter: Jiajun He, South China University of Technology, China

Performance Analysis of Heterogeneous Mobile Edge Computing Networks with Multi-core Server
Presenter: Yaying Wang, Hohai University, China

Weighted Sum of Energy Efficiency Beamforming Strategy for MIMO Cognitive Radio
Presenter: Ruizhe Zhang, Zhengzhou University, China

QoS-Oriented Adaptive User Association for NOMA in Visible Light Communications
Presenter: Qian Li, Xidian University, China

Semantic Segmentation of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images with Extra Context Attention Mechanism
Presenter: Weifu Fu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

A coordinate scheduling of EOS observation and data download
Presenter: Shijie Wang, Army Engineering University, China

Tensor-Based Signal Processing Method for Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems Using PARATUCK-2 Model
Presenter: Siyu Ye, Communication University of China, China

Design of Deterministic Grant-Free Access with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Presenter: Hanqing Yu, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China

Differential Fault Attack for the Iterative Operation of AES Key Expansion
Presenter: Liang Han, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

A Game-Theoretical Approach for Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing
Presenter: Shiying Han, Nankai University, China

An Improved Event-Triggered Communication Mechanism with State Prediction for Multiple UAVs Formation Control
Presenter: Jun Yang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Research of the Improved Kalman Filtering Algorithm on How to Accelerate the Convergence Speed of GPS Positioning
Presenter: Liu Yang, Beihang University, China

Efficient Repair Algorithm for Information Column of EVENODD(p,4) Codes
Presenter: Yao Lan, Shenzhen University, China; Dongguan University of Technology, China

An Improved Bit Flipping Min Sum Algorithm with Difference to Sum Ratio Factor Based on Unreliable Received Messages
Presenter: Mingchun Qiu, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Research on Malware Variant Detection Based on Global Texture Features
Presenter: Hui Guo, National University of Defense Technology, China